Getting started

Nebula - Test ecosystems

Nebula is a DSL for quickly defining test ecosystems - a combination of docker images and associated behaviour.

Use Nebula when you want to spin up some containers, and prepare them with state or behaviour.

Nebula lets you define behaviour for your stacks using Kotlin.

For example:

stack {
   // Start a Kafka broker which emits a message every 100ms
   kafka {
      producer("100ms".duration(), "stockQuotes") {
         jsonMessage {
                "symbol" to listOf("GBP/USD", "AUD/USD", "NZD/USD").random(),
                "price" to Random.nextDouble(0.8, 0.95).toBigDecimal()
   // start an HTTP server which responds on /hello
   http {
     get("/hello") { call ->
        call.respondText("Hello, World!")

Under the hood, Nebular uses TestContainers to pull in and start the relevant containers, then scripts them.

Use Nebula to:

  • Define a Kafka broker that emits a message periodically
  • Deploy a test S3 instance on localstack with preconfigured content
  • Script the deployment of a full db, primed with data, which accepts writes

Nebula is part of the test and demo infrastructure at Orbital

Running as a docker container

This starts Nebula as in http server mode, listening on port 8099

docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --privileged --network host orbitalhq/nebula
  • Because Nebula launches other docker images, we need privileged access, along with access to the docker daemon
  • Also, for you to be able to communicate with the downloaded images, the container runs within the host network

Getting code completion

Nebula is a Kotlin DSL wrapper, so when working in IntelliJ you can get full code completion for Nebula.

First, fetch the DSL JAR from the Orbital repository:

mvn dependency:get -Dartifact=com.orbitalhq.nebula:nebula-dsl:1.0-SNAPSHOT -DremoteRepositories=

Enabling Nebula support in IntelliJ settings

  • Go to Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Compiler -> Kotlin Compiler
  • At the bottom you will find a section Kotlin Scripting
  • Complete the field: Script definition template classes to load explicitly: com.orbitalhq.nebula.NebulaScript
  • Complete the field: Classpath required for loading script definition template classes: <PATH_TO_YOUR_M2_REPO>/.m2/repository/com/orbitalhq/nebula/nebula-dsl/1.0-SNAPSHOT/nebula-dsl-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar


  • Go to Preferences -> Language & Frameworks -> Kotlin -> Kotlin Scripting
  • Make sure the script template Nebula is active and above the default Kotlin Script
  • Apply changes

Alternative: Enabling Nebula support via .idea files

In your project, add or edit a file at .idea/kotlinc.xml:

  <component name="KotlinCompilerSettings">
    <option name="scriptTemplates" value="com.orbitalhq.nebula.NebulaScript" />
    <option name="scriptTemplatesClasspath" value="$MAVEN_REPOSITORY$/com/orbitalhq/nebula-dsl/1.0-SNAPSHOT/nebula-dsl-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" />